
Welcome to the course The Connect2SmallPorts Project offers this course through generous support from the European Commission under the Interreg South Baltic Programme. We invite you to participate and [...]

Module 1

DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) – Blockchain Technology In this module we will prepare you in gaining a clear understanding of DLT – Digital Ledger Technology and Blockchain Technologies. You [...]

Module 2

DLT - Blockchain Use Cases A number of use cases that employ Blockchain technologies is presented and then individually explained. You will learn about value chains as well as [...]

Module 3

A.I. & IoT More and more, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) is becoming visible in everyday lives and in our work. This module will explore and [...]

Module 4

Technology Convergence A concise introduction to technology convergence is given in which you will learn how organisations are able to employ and then organise themselves under various ways. A [...]

Module 5

DLT, AI and IoT for Ports & Supply Chains This last and  final module attempts to tie-in the various technologies that have been discussed in the earlier modules. You [...]


Welcome to Final Module Hurray! You’ve made it to the final module! We are incredibly excited to have shared with you our collection of workshop videos. You can view them [...]

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